MU Survey

PSA Survey Questions Summarized:
7 Marymount students were interviewed.

1. What's your favorite food on campus?
- Many people said that they liked deep fried foods such as chicken tenders and French fries. Most of the foods were unhealthy choices.

2. How often do you exercise?
- Most people said that they would play basketball or soccer. Some did not exercise.

3. Do you consider your diet healthy?
- Many people said they try to watch what they eat but they snack a lot on unhealthy options.
-2 people said that they snack on fruit.
If so why?
If not why?

How do you know what's considered healthy eating?
- The calorie count or the amount of sugar that the food contains.
-  A few people said they try eating fruit and or vegetables with meals

Where do you get most of your information about what is healthy to eat?
- Most of the people said that its common sense and that their parents taught them what was healthy to eat at a young age. 

Does your family encourage healthy eating?
- Everyone  except for one person said that their parents tried to teach them good eating habits.
- The one person said that their parents didn’t have much time to cook healthy foods so they ate fast food a lot.

4. When selecting foods do you take into account how healthy they are for you?
- Everyone said that they do take into account and not try to overdo eating fattening things.
Do you pay attention to nutritional values?
-  Most people said that they look at the calorie count.
-  Two people said that they don’t look at nutritional labels.
Do you keep track of what you eat?
- Everyone except for one person said that they don’t really keep track and that they eat when their hungry.

5. Do you eat (Does your diet include) foods that will enhance your physical and or mental performance? 
If so which foods?
- Everyone said no
*its good to note that many of these people said that they drink a lot of caffeine so that they could stay up and do work.

6. Do you take into account the long-term effects of the foods you eat? 
Benefits to your heath?
Benefits to your state of mind?
Physical benefits?
 Most said no except for the people who exercise. Those people try to eat light before they do strenuous activity.

7. Are you aware of how what you eat can effect the ecological, economic, and society?
- No, they have never thought of that or didn’t know what that meant.
If so how?

8. Do you consider yourself a healthy eater? See Question 3
If yes:
Most of the time?
Not really? If not why don’t you eat a more healthy diet?

9. What is the biggest reason keeping you from eating the healthiest possible diet?
- Everyone said either not enough time or that it was too inconvenient or that it got expensive.

10. What is the biggest reason keeping you from eating foods that are more sustainable (good for the ecology, economy, and society)?
- Many people didn’t know what that was or that they didn’t have access to them.

11. If there is one message you think our university should send to students’ concerning their diet and what they eat what would it be?
- To offer more healthy options that tasted good.
- Evidently Bernies does not have fresh salads and use fake chicken (one student said)
- One student said that unhealthy food is easier to get on campus then healthy foods.
- The Bookstore should have more healthy snacks that were good.